E-learning critical success factors: institutional and technological aspects

E-learning is an effective tool to improve teaching and learningprocess. According to Khan (2005), the explosive growth ininformation technology (IT) and new developments in learningscience provide opportunities to create well-designed, learner-centered, engaging, interactive, affordable, efficient, easilyaccessible, flexible, meaningful distributed and facilitated e-learning environments. E-learning, which was introduced in 1990s,has revolutionised teaching and learning. There are manydefinitions given to e-learning, but for the purpose of this chapter,e-learning is defined as “any learning that is done using an Internetor Intranet connection.” E-learning represents an innovative shift inthe field of learning, providing rapid access to specific knowledgeand information, and offers online instruction that can be deliveredanytime and anywhere through a wide range of electronic learningsolutions such as a web-based courseware and online discussiongroups. It can be viewed as a tool that makes learning materialssuch as presentation slides available on the web.