선박용 중앙냉각시스템의 해수 펌프 용량조절에 따른 에너지 절감 기법에 관한 연구
The fuel charge is getting higher in navigation cost. Therefore, shipowners try to find the method for reducing oil consumption. ESS(Energy Saving System) is one of the method. ESS is the system consisted with two inverters, ESS control unit and monitoring system. Two inverters control two main sea water cooling pumps. In the ESS control Unit, the control algorithm finds optimized point to decrease a power consumption of main sea water cooling pumps. Monitoring system observes ESS not to work improperly. ESS is experimented in the laboratory with real condition and analyzed in every view. After experiment, the result of the experiment shows that the control algorithm works correctly and safely. ESS has a plan to be operated in the ship soon. In that case. additional devices are needed to connect ESS with cooling system of the vessel. So the development of addition device is needed and being studied.