Sonar for generalized target description and its similarity to animal echolocation systems.

Range‐distributed targets are often characterized arrays of point scatterers. This conceptualization corresponds to a target impulse response that is a sequence of impulses. A physically meaningful generalization of this description is obtained by modeling an impulse response in terms of pulse doublets, impulses, step functions, ramp functions, etc., i.e., as a superposition of delayed impulses and differentiated or integrated impulses. The resulting impulse response model resembles a spline function without continuity conditions. A sonar system for generalized target characterization is described; signals and receivers are specified for (1) optimum estimation of reflector parameters and (2) detection of a known target in clutter. The derived signals correspond closely with some of the waveforms that are used by dolphins and bats for echolocation. The corresponding echo analyzers are similar to some psychoacoustic models of the mammalian hearing system.