Developing Customer-Oriente Service Model in the Electronic Commerce: Focus on the Customer Value, Service Quality, ad Performance

This research focused on the comparison of corporate business mokels to explain different financial performances on the eBusiness domain. Especially, because customers have the more buying [ower tha other business areas, customer value and the service quality were prepared for independent variables and operational margin which can be obtained by publicize report was used for a dependent variable in stead of the other variables dependent on human perception as well. As a result, this research found that the customer value measured by service quality concept impact on the financial performance of eBusiness corporation positively. To find out more delicate results, structural equation was used for statistical method using 324 survey samples on 10 corporations. Though data using for statistical analysis were divided into individual and corporate level and have the time gap between research time and financial performance publicized period, the value of this research is that the customer value and service quality concepts with very objective financial information were input for constructing a research model.