The methods of graphical statics and their relation to the structural form

In the preface of the 2nd edition of his main work «Die graphische Statik» (\ 875), Karl Cu]mann was pleased to report that graphical statics had been taken up wide]y, but at the same time he complained that it was taught without the mathematica] base of the projective geometry. Subsequently, the «Graphostatik» (graphostatics), characterised by its recipe-like structure, became generally accepted. The graphostatics formed an essential means of intellectual engineering practice. It still referred to the unity of design, calculation and construction. Various examp]es demonstrate the option of deriving fram the graphical examination not only the interna] forces required for dimensioning, but a]so criteria for optimising the structura] formo Nevertheless, with the comp]etion of the classic structural theory after ] 890, the decline of the graphica] statics in favour of analytical calculation methods was a]ready becoming apparent. This corresponded with the desire to rationalise the engineer' s work, but it led to the disintegration of the unity of design, calcu]ation and construction. Today unlike in engineering practice, graphica] methods still play an important ra]e in ]ecturing on structures. The clarity of graphical techniques has a high didactic value, since interdependencies, e.g. between forces and structura] geometry, can be directly experienced visually. Architecture and structura] engineering students thus are provided with a suitable means of evaluating not least historie Rolf Gerhardt Karl-Eugen Kurrer Gerhard Pichler