Development of a collaborative CAD/CAM system

Abstract This paper presents the development of a collaborative CAD/CAM system ( COCADCAM ). COCADCAM extends an existing single-location CAD/CAM system to a multi-location CAD/CAM application so that two geographically dispersed CAD/CAM users can work together on a three-dimensional CAD-geometry coediting and CAD-related tasks collaboratively and dynamically. COCADCAM dynamically supports CAD data communication that are not available in traditional single-location CAD/CAM. The dynamic data communication is achieved through the development of networking algorithms and CAD/CAM functions in this paper. The networking algorithms based on UNIX Interprocess Communication (IPC), the Network File System (NFS), and a connection-oriented client and server model under the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite. The CAD/CAM functions included surface modelling, simulation of a milling toolpath, and post-processing of an NC program following collaborative CAD-geometry coediting, which are directly or indirectly supported by the Application Programming Interface (API) of the CAD/CAM software. The networking algorithms and CAD/CAM functions together can facilitate an environment for CAD-geometry coediting and related tasks such as design, analysis and manufacture. COCADCAM has been successfully implemented through local area network (LAN) and the Internet; a remote machining cell is also linked so that the generated NC program based on a coedited free-form surface can be used for the physical machining operation. The algorithm proposed by COCADCAM can be referenced for the extension of other single-location CAD/CAM systems to multi-location applications.