Space System Survivability
Exoatmospheric detonations of nuclear weapons produce a broad spectrum of effects which can prevent operational space missions from being successfully accomplished. The spacecraft may be exposed to the prompt radiation from the detonations which can cause upset or burnout of critical mission components through Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics (TREE) or System Generated Electromagnetic Pulse (SGEMP). Continual exposure to the trapped radiation environment may cause component failure due to total dose or Electron Caused EMP (ECEMP). Satellite links to ground and airborne terminals are subject to serious degradation due to signal absorption and scintillation. The ground data stations and lines of communications are subject to failure from the broad range effects of high-altitude EMP.
[1] Hoerlin,et al. United States high-altitude test experiences. A review emphasizing the impact on the environment. [Checkmate, Bluegill, Kingfish and Tightrope events] , 1976 .
[2] Samuel Glasstone,et al. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons , 1952 .
[3] E. P. Wenaas. Spacecraft Charging Effects on Satellites Following STARFISH Event , 1978 .