It could be said that the relation between leadership and industrial growth is ongoing and undoubted. Nevertheless, it has not been well studied yet, especially in Bulgaria. Some basic reasons concern on the plurality of the definitions of “leadership” and “industrial growth” as different processes of the economic objects. Furthermore, to define as leadership phenomenon as well as industrial growth we need to settle the level of their foundations. So, one of the suitable methods of understanding leadership and growth is to study them by the organizational behavior, resp. managerial practices. According to the above, the paper is structured as follows: Introduction: the basic research thesis is given, 1. State of art: defining the problem. Summary of the most used definition of “leadership” and “industrial growth” are given in this paragraph. The connection between these two phenomena is also defined; 2.Analysis of managerial leadership’s practices: some figures from the practice. Some basic endorsements of the managerial practices that are explained as leadership ones as well as practices that induce industrial growth are represented and discussed; Conclusions: summary of the knowledge of common business practices that help for business growing.