A Survey of Chabot Systems through a Loebner Prize Competition

Starting in 1966 with the introduction of the ELIZA chatbot, a great deal of effort has been devoted towards the goal of developing a chatbot system that would be able to pass the Turing Test. These efforts have resulted in the creation of a variety of technologies and have taken a variety of approaches. In this paper we compare and discuss the different technologies used in the chatbots which have won the Loebner Prize Competition, the first formal instantiation of the Turing Test. Although there was no game changing breakthrough in the chatbot technologies, it is obvious they evolved from the very simple pattern matching systems towards complicated patterns combined with ontologies and knowledge bases enabling computer reasoning. Pregled najboljših programov za klepetanje z računalnikom iz Loebnerjevega tekomovanja Vse od leta 1966 naprej, ko se je pojavil prvi program za klepet ELIZA, se poskuša razviti program ki bi bil sposoben opraviti Turingov test. V tem času je bilo razvitih veliko različnih rešitev in pristopov k reševanju tega kompleksnega problema. V tem članku primerjamo in opišemo pristope pri programih za klepetanje ki so zmagali na Loebnerjevem tekmovanju. Loebnerjevo tekmovanje je prva formalna izvedba Turingovega testa in se izvaja že vse od leta 1991. Kljub temu, da do danes še nobenemu programu ni uspelo prestati testa, so močno napredovali. Iz zelo enostavnih algoritmov z iskanjem vzorcev besedila, so se z leti razvili v kompleksne sisteme prepoznavanja vzorcev, ki vključujejo tudi ontologije in tako do neke mere že omogočajo tudi računalniško sklepanje.