A system was designed and manufactured to determine the modal, harmonic and transient behaviors of vibrating masses. The initial design was optimized by design for manufacture and assembly, and dynamic behaviors of the system were verified with finite element analysis. Small rods were used to reconfigure the table from one degree of freedom to two degrees of freedom and vice versa to provide data comparison for forced and free responses. Aluminum base plates containing oblong boles were used to allow the table to work with the two different types of existing vibration test systems. R eproduced with perm ission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without perm ission. T a b l e o f c o n t e n t s List of Figures.......................................................................................................................... iii List of Tables............................................................................................................................ vi Nomenclature...........................................................................................................................vii Chapter
Jon Rigelsford,et al.
Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly 2/e
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Materials selection for engineering design
F. Stasa.
Applied finite element analysis for engineers
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Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
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Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering
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Manufacturing processes and materials for engineers