The Dinamic Cyclic Trend Phenomena of Cement-Fly Ash Smart Concrete Compressive Strength and Resistivity in Various Composition of Polymer Carbon Fiber

Smart concrete is an innovative material because it can serve as a sensor without any additional sensors in it. It is reinforced with carbon fiber that has gone through the pyrolysis process at high temperature to produce carbon content above 90%. The carbon fiber used in this study was Polyacrylonitrile. The working principle of carbon fiber sensor works piezoresistivity that respond to changes in mechanical (stress and strain) to electrical impulses. The resistivity changes that will be converted into units of load on the display circuit system. Key to success of this research was the concrete formulations and systems were sensitive and accurate readings so that any small change in resistivity could be directly detected. Variations in carbon fiber were added to the 0-1% by weight of cement with interval 0.5. Fly ash was added as a filler to reduce the use of cement. Results obtained from dynamic cyclic testing showed that the compressive strength was the best in the concrete without carbon fiber, then decline in line with the increased number of carbon fiber. But inversely proportional to the resistivity of the concrete produced. Smart concrete must have a high sensitivity to changes in stress / strain, it should also meet the required concrete strength both press and flexible to avoid initial crack.