Category mistakes, knowledge in pieces, or something else? problems in conceptually learning signal analysis
A thorough understanding of signal analysis is important for learning many specialized electrical engineering fields such ascommunication and digital signal processing. To date there has been a great deal of effort by engineering educators acrossthe world to make this course easy to understand. However, the abstract and complex mathematical nature of the conceptsinvolved in signal analysis and the disconnection of these concepts from daily life continue to pose a challenge inconceptually understanding signal analysis. This study addresses the mistakes and learning hurdles faced by electricalengineering undergraduate students while learning signal analysis and suggests possible reasons for these misconceptionsand learning hurdles. The results of this study are established with the difficulties that appeared throughout thedevelopment of a detailed concept map of signal analysis using Fourier analysis techniques; during discussions with theexperts in signal analysis; and from student responses to the questions in class tests and later during individual interviews.This study identifies the difficulties in conceptually learning signal analysis that arise from insufficient understanding of: (1)the difference between continuous and discrete domains, (2) discrete frequency, (3) units of Fourier series and Fouriertransforms, (4) periodic/aperiodic or finite/infinite duration signals, (5) sampling, (6) aliasing and folding, (7) abstractmathematical concepts, and (8) advanced mathematical thinking ability. A few possible explanations for these learninghurdles are various p-prims, ontological miscategorization of discrete and continuous domain signals, and the lack ofability among students for advanced mathematical thinking. The knowledge of difficult concepts and the reasons behindthe difficulties in learning signal analysis related topics is necessary for the design of an appropriate pedagogy for signalanalysis related courses. While teaching signal analysis, careful attention to these learning hurdles and the possible relatedexplanations will help to establish meaningful learning among students.