Uremic Encephalopathy Basal Ganglia Cerebellar Vermis Intracerebral Hemorrhage Cerebellar Lesions of Uremic Encephalopathy on MRI in Hemodialyzed Diabetic Patient : A Case Report

Uremia is a syndrome of clinical and metabolic abnormalities that develops in parallel with deteriorating renal function and brain involvement. Uremic encephalopathy (UE) is a well-known complication of uremia (1). The movement disorder seen in uremic patients typically consists of asterixis and myoclonus, which may be related to cortical dysfunction. Several recent studies have been reported with acute movement disorder accompanying akinetic, parkinsonian syndromes associated with bilateral basal ganglia (BG) lesions in uremic patients (2). However, to the best of our knowledge, cerebellar vermis (CV) involvement in UE is very rare, and only one case report in a non-diabetic hemodialysis patient with this condition was reported in the Korean literature (3). We describe a rare case of diabetic UE showing symmetrical BG and CV lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).