Evolutionary epistemology : a multiparadigm program with a complete evolutionary epistemology bibliography

I: Background.- Evolutionary Epistemology Today: Converging Views from Philosophy, the Natural and the Social Sciences.- The Meaning of Entropy.- Evolutionary Epistemology and the Synthesis of Biological and Social Science.- Epistemology of Evolutionary Theories.- Cognisance of Consciousness in the Study of Animal Knowledge.- II: Evolutionary Approaches to Science and Technology.- Selection Theory and the Sociology of Scientific Validity.- Variation and Selection: Scientific Progress Without Rationality.- Evolutionary Epistemology and Sociology of Science.- What Evolutionary Epistemology Is Not.- The Philosophical Significance of an Evolutionary Epistemology.- Homo Sapiens, Homo Faber, Homo Socians: Technology and the Social Animal.- III: The Piagetian Approach.- Is Piaget's "Genetic Epistemology" Evolutionary?.- The Genesis of Atomic Physics and the Biography of Ideas.- Sensorimotor Emergence: Proposing a Computational "Syntax".- Evolutionary Epistemology, Genetic Epistemology, History and Neurology.- IV: Extensions and Applications.- The Exchange of Genetic Information Between Organisms of Distinct Origin Can Play an Important Role in Evolution.- Fermat's Last Theorem Seen as an Exercise in Evolutionary Epistemology.- Language and Evolutionary or Dynamic Epistemology.- The Evolutionary Explanation of Beliefs.- V: Bibliographies.- Evolutionary Epistemology Bibliography.- General Bibliography.