Degrees of openness: the emergence of open educational resources at the University of Cape Town

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide a range of opportunities to share educational materials and processes in ways we have not completely envisaged as yet. In an extraordinary, yet paradoxical development, increasing numbers of traditional and distance universities are using ICTs to make a selection of their teaching resources freely available as ‘open education resources’ (OER). The University of Cape Town recently signed the Cape Town Open Education Declaration signalling its intent to make some of its traditional face‐to face teaching materials and processes available as OER. In anticipation of an institution‐wide development, lecturers and educational technologists at UCT are grappling with the issues that need to be addressed to meet this intent. This paper suggests that careful analysis of existing educational materials and processes is necessary to provide an indication of what can be done to make these materials and processes more openly available beyond the confines of an individual teaching and learning space. However, the deceptively simple term “open” hides a reef of complexity. This paper endeavours to unravel the degrees of openness with respect to key attributes of OER that may make the task of identifying where changes could be made to existing teaching materials or processes a little easier for the lecturer and the educational technologist alike.