The doping process in diffusion furnace consisting of pre-deposition and drive-in steps is essential to create p–n junction in crystalline silicon solar cell fabrication, and its optimization is necessary to obtain the high conversion efficiency. In this work, pre-deposition time was varied to study the electrical properties of solar cells and its effect on the hydrogen passivation with various phosphorous doping profiles. As a result, solar cell conversion efficiency of 17.8% with 7 min pre-deposition was achieved. Dopant (phosphorous) concentration in the emitter measured by SIMS indicated that the surface with shorter pre-deposition time had lower dopant concentration. High concentration of phosphorous on the surface appears to be the source for the electron consumed by the stored hydrogen in making the neutral H2 gas during firing. The formation of neutral hydrogen gas is thermodynamically and stochastically more favorable than the reaction between Si with dangling bond and H. This means that the passivation by the stored H during firing is strongly controlled by the dopant on the surface. This result obtained herein lays the foundations to understand the relationship between the doping profile of diverse dopant species and its passivation effect.
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Chemical Vapour Deposition: An Integrated Engineering Design for Advanced Materials
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Environmentally Benign Silicon Solar Cell Manufacturing
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Industrial Silicon Wafer Solar Cells
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Development of an emitter for industrial silicon solar cells using the doped oxide solid source diffusion technique
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Effects of active hydrogen on the stress relaxation of amorphous SiNx:H films
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Quantum efficiency analysis of highly doped areas for selective emitter solar cells
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Effect of the front surface field on crystalline silicon solar cell efficiency