Study on the Rapid Design and Optimization Technology of Forklift Styling

The paper introduced a computer-aided industrial design system: Forklift Truck’s Multi Plan Optimizaion System, and demonstrated the modules’ function and techniques with examples. Considering the requirements for efficiency and precision in the forklift styling, the author developed the forklift optimizing software for its styling, which includes parameter optimization, color optimization and part combination three modules. The parameter optimization module can vary the user defined parameters of the forklift models and generate new models. Color optimization module can group the model surfaces and render the groups with different color. New color plans are generated through random changing of the colors in each group. The parts combination module divides forklift into several parts and build lib for each part. The module can pick parts from the lib and assemble them into a whole forklift and demonstrate them. The thesis developed a proto system on the Solidworks platform with VBA programming tools. Interactive genetic algorithms are applied to realize the three module’s function.