Evaluation of the tender results of forest road constructions: A case study in Bolu Regional Directorate
Evaluation of the tender results of forest road constructions: A case study in Bolu Regional Directorate Abstract: The construction of forest roads is realized by tenders by the General Directorate of Forestry. The amount of work on the approximate cost schedule required for the tender is determined according to the 1st discernment measurements made during the road application. Unexpected disputes have been occurred in the process of finalizing the contracts by measurements of the preliminary survey, without the detailed project is prepared. The aim of this study is to compare the road construction data that are calculated while going out to the tender and the exact values that are occurred as a result of the construction. A total of 34 forest roads constructed by Bolu Forest Regional Directorate (BFRD) between 2007 and 2014 were sampled and studied. Data were obtained and evaluated from the tender dossiers to compare the approximate cost of the tenders and progress values (excavation quantities, excavation features and costs) of these projects. In addition, these roads have been evaluated according to forest road technical standards. According to the results of the research; the total length of the assessed roads was 73,879 m, and the total costs were $ 977,138 and a total of 726,366 m3 of excavation was carried out for the construction of these roads. As a result of paired sample t-tests performed; the difference between the tender amount and the progress payment amounts and the amount of very hard rock excavation and the approximate cost very hard rock excavation amount were found to be statistically significant. Keywords: Forest road construction, tender cost, progress payment, Turkey Orman yol insaati ihale sonuclarinin degerlendirilmesi: Bolu Bolge Mudurlugu ornegi Ozet: Orman yollarinin insasi, Orman Genel Mudurlugu tarafindan ihale yoluyla gerceklestirilmektedir. Ihale icin gerekli olan yaklasik maliyet cetvelindeki is miktari, yol aplikasyonu sirasinda yapilan 1. gozlemsel olcumlere gore belirlenir. Detayli proje hazirlanmadan, on arastirma olcumleriyle sozlesmelerin tamamlanma surecinde beklenmeyen anlasmazliklar meydana gelmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, ihaleye cikilirken hesaplanan yol insa verileri ile insaat sonucunda cikan kesin degerlerin karsilastirilmasidir. 2007-2014 yillari arasinda Bolu Orman Bolge Mudurlugu (BOBM) tarafindan yapilan toplam 34 orman yolu orneklenerek incelenmistir. Bu projelerin ihale yaklasik maliyet ve hakedis degerlerini (kazi miktarini, kazi ozelliklerini ve maliyetleri) karsilastirmak icin ihale dosyalarindan veriler elde edilmis ve degerlendirilmistir. Ayrica, bu yollar orman yolu teknik standartlarina gore degerlendirilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore; yollarin toplam uzunlugu 73.879 m ve toplam maliyeti 977.138 $ olup bu yollarin insasi icin toplam 726.366 m3 kazi yapilmistir. Yapilan bagimli iki ornek t-testi sonucunda; ihale toplam tutari ile hakedis toplam tutari arasindaki fark ve hakedis cok sert kaya kazi miktari ile yaklasik maliyet cok sert kaya kazi miktari arasindaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Orman yol insaati, ihale bedeli, hakedis, Turkiye Received (Gelis): 13.02.2017 - Revised (Duzeltme): 22.03.2017 - Accepted (Kabul): 26.04.2017 Cite (Atif): Turk, Y., Gumus, S., 2017. Evaluation of the tender results of forest road constructions: A case study in Bolu Regional Directorate. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67(2): 194-202. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.292012