NatureGate®, Concept Mapping And CmapTools: Creating Global Networks of Servers for Improved

NatureGate® innovation is described and analyzed using concept maps and CmapTools. First, it is shown, that there are new kind of free services like Google, which however create plenty of added values for individuals, societies and the whole humankind. At the same time they produce sustainable profits also to the original founders and keepers of those services. NatureGate® could be that kind of service. Both individuals and societies need knowledge about their organisms and ecosystems. CmapTools could be integrated with all the servers. It could be used for both individual and social knowledge construction, and knowledge management. NatureGate® is R&D project, which is planned to become a global free service in the WWW. The servers have to be powerful and fast, like those of Google. The vision is create kind of “NatureGoogle”. Research and development is needed in order to keep the project in leading edge, and for continual quality assurance and improvement, and innovations. NatureGate® promotes e-learning for sustainable development both by alone and together with CmapTools, another free of charge, and empowering innovation. UN decade of Education for sustainable development is described as one of the most important motivators and contexts of NatureGate® and CmapTools. However, both tools can be used to promote e-learning, also without any reference to values of sustainable development. CmapTools is presented in relation to NatureGate® innovation and e-learning.