Applied Information Technologies for Development of Continuous Shared Health Care
Medicalc software s.r.o., Ruzeny Svobodove 34,32300 Pilsen, Czech Republicdaniel.subrt@medicalc.czAbstract. Thisarticledescribesproceduresofdevelopmentofanelectronichealthrecord for shared healthcare which include implementation of communicationstandard HL7 v.3, its application in the environment of existing hospitalinformation systems (HIS) and modeling the semantics of the transferred data.The main part of the solution is so called HL7 broker that serves as a mediatorin the communication between the two incorporated systems and implementsprocedures defined in the HL7 v.3 standard. Data models which represent thecommunicating systems towards the HL7 broker are based on the original datamodels implemented in HISes and are in the proper form, demanded by the HL7standard. In order to achieve the semantic interoperability of incorporated systemthe creation of mapping of existing data models to international nomenclatureswas necessary. Finally the possibilities of usage of international standards andnomenclatures in comparison to the national ones are discussed.Keywords:electronichealthrecord,semanticinteroperability,medicalmessaging
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