Innovative drilling methods, heat pumps and tools to address shallow geothermal in the built environment: H2020 project - GEO4CIVHIC

The H2020-project GEO4CIVHIC, started in April 2018 and tackles the main barriers for ground source heat pumps in existing buildings: construction of ground heat exchangers under constrained site conditions (like drilling in courtyards, gardens, basements etc.) using a novel drilling methodology and compact drilling rig; adapting the heat pumps to supply the temperatures needed for older heating and cooling systems that cannot be easily replaced; overcoming various non-technical barriers. Starting partly from results of previous projects like Cheap-GSHPs (see more on, and developing new ideas, the project will also provide the tools for a larger implementation of shallow geothermal in the built environment, in particular in historical buildings. After practical demonstrations in 3 pilot sites, the solutions will be applied in four real buildings. In addition, 12 virtual demonstrations (simulation) using real buildings as a basis will show if the solutions found can fulfil the desired objectives, and will help in further optimising the technologies. Guidelines, education and dissemination will make the new technologies known and facilitate their dissemination and application in the market.