The collagen fibres in the area of attachment of the supraspinatus tendon to bone were studied immunohistochemically in 12 mature female New Zealand white rabbits. The labelling of type I collagen was uniformly prominent in the bone as well as in the fascicles of the tendon proper but inconspicuously scattered in the unmineralised and mineralised zones of the fibrocartilage. Type II collagen, not detected in the tendon proper, was widespread in both zones of the fibrocartilage. Type III collagen, on the other hand, appeared to be confined mainly to the zone of unmineralised fibrocartilage, in addition to its presence in the endotenon of the tendon proper. The region of the tidemark failed to show immunostaining for any of the collagen fibre types. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that, although all the principal fibrous collagen types are constituents of the supraspinatus tendon at its attachment site, the distribution pattern of immunolabelling varies from zone to zone.