Phase Inversion Deconvolution for Surface Consistent Processing and Multiple Attenuation

Summary This paper presents the analysis the continuous alteration of the acoustic waveform propagating through the linear system. Based on results of this analysis, the surface related measurements are described as a convolution of the impulse response of the system with the nonstationary forward wavelet. The forward wavelet includes all multiple terms generated within the system as well as the energy source signature and the receiver characteristics. The multiples are discriminated from primaries based on the difference between the phase spectrum of the seismic signal and the inverse of the forward wavelet. Therefore, the technique is called Phase Inversion Deconvolution (PID). Since the forward wavelet includes both the source signature and the receiver characteristics, the deconvolution process removes the source and the receiver properties from the recorded signal. Thus, PID acts as a surface consistent deconvolution.