Innovative conception and performance evaluation of a compact on-site treatment system.

The purpose of this study was to develop a new configuration for a compact on-site treatment system, which could become an attractive alternative, from technical, economic, social and environmental viewpoints, to the technologies that are currently employed. The treatment unit consists of a cylindrical tank, where half of the volume is used as a modified septic tank and the other half is divided between an anaerobic hybrid reactor and a trickling filter. An intermittent feeding system was used, with minimum, mean and maximum flowrate settings (Qmin = 0.25l.s(-1), Qmean = 0.50l.s(-1) and Qmax = 1.00l.s(-1)), to reflect the actual operating conditions of a compact on-site treatment system serving a typical dwelling. An average 24-hour hydraulic detention time was used, corresponding to a flowrate of 750l.d(-1). High removal efficiencies and low concentrations of COD, BOD and TSS in the final effluent were achieved, even when the unit was exposed to hydraulic loading peaks during feeding periods at maximum flowrate.