The Design and Realization of Online Land Patrol System Based on CORS

Land patrol is very crucial to land resource management, land resource management not only face to huge amount of data, but also requires a concurrent and high accuracy data. The most popular technology for land resource management is remote sensing, but it constrained by the spatial and temporal resolution, lacking the ability to detect the illegal incidences occurred in particular, dispersed region, which is go against the land planning, utilizing, protection and management. GNSS based patrol technology can make up the shortage of remote sensing land monitoring technology. On another hand, continuous operational reference system (CORS) are widely used in many provinces and cities as urban infrastructure. Low-cost receiver can meet the requirement of land patrol with CORS aided. This paper presented the design and realization methods of a land patrol and monitoring service platform. In this system, low-cost GIS data collectors are applied to collect the spatial information, properties and even multi-media information of a land parcel, all these data are sent back to data centre according to the mobile network. Data centre can monitoring the status of data collectors, acquiring data. These data are processed, edited and checked, and then stored in the database or used to provide information service to the public. The system combined CORS positioning technology, GIS data management and wireless communication technology, allocated different authority to different role. This design makes managers can monitoring the fieldwork progress, fieldworkers can acquire the information of land parcel, and the public can access the information of their concern. The whole land patrol and data collecting, data processing procedures are paper-free, real-time, intelligence. The efficiency of fieldwork is improved, and the work strength is cut down and less professional skills are required for surveyors with this system.