Access Management Outreach Materials: Promoting Access Management Benefits in Texas
The benefits of access management treatments are well documented. Since 1996, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has funded numerous studies to facilitate the study of the benefits of access management treatments as a design element to improve roadway safety and operations. Researchers at the Texas Transportation Institute have performed much of this research for TxDOT. In Texas, access management treatments have proven effective in balancing the need for roadway movement on arterial streets, while providing necessary access to residential and commercial developments. This paper highlights the history of access management program development in Texas. The paper also highlights recently-developed outreach materials that can be used to promote the implementation of access management treatments in Texas and other states. The paper describes the need for the outreach materials, the outreach materials themselves, and implementation and promotion of the outreach materials. Concluding remarks are provided at the end of the paper.