False spider mites of the genus Dolichotetranychus (Acarina : Tenuipalpidae)

The tiny, slender, bright-red false spider mites of the genus Dolichotetranychus Sayed are widely distributed over the world. Though so similar morphologically that some recent students have regarded specimens from various hosts as representing a single species, this study indicates that the genus contains at least ten distinct species, including four new ones and one new combination: Dolichotetranychus carnea (Banks) (Stigmaeodes cinctus Ewing) Dolichotetranychus micidus, new species Dolichotetranychus ancistrus, new species Dolichotetranychus salinas Pritchard and Baker Dolichotetranychus summersi Pritchard and Baker Dolichotetranychus vandergooti (Oudemans) Dolichotetranychus macer, new species Dolichotetranychus floridanus (Banks) Dolichotetranychus australianus (Womersley), new combination Dolichotetranychus apaches, new species The species are described and illustrated, and the distinctive characters are pointed out. Keys are given for distinguishing the males of all ten species and the females of all but two, which require the males for separation. The hosts of all but one species are monocotyledons, mostly grasses.