Towards autonomic risk-aware security configuration

Security of a network depends on a number of dynamically changing factors. These include emergence of new vulnerabilities and threats, policy structure and network traffic. Due to the dynamic nature of these factors, identifying security metrics that measure objectively the quality of security configuration pose a major challenge. Moreover, this evaluation must be done dynamically to handle real time changes in the threat toward the network. In this paper, we extend our security metric framework that identifies and quantifies objectively the most significant security risk factors, which include existing vulnerabilities, historical trend of vulnerabilities of remotely accessible services, prediction of potential vulnerabilities for any general network service and their estimated severity and finally propagation of an attack within the network. We have implemented this framework as a user-friendly tool called Risk based prOactive seCurity cOnfiguration maNAger (ROCONA) and showed how this tool simplifies security configuration management using risk measurement and mitigation.