Fast light calculations for ocean ecosystem and inverse models.

Ocean physical-biological-optical ecosystem models can require light calculations at thousands of grid points and time steps. Implicit inverse models that recover ocean absorption and scattering properties from measured light variables can require thousands of solutions of the radiative transfer equation. An extremely fast radiative transfer code, EcoLight-S(ubroutine), has been developed to address these needs. EcoLight-S requires less than one second on a moderately fast computer to compute spectral irradiances over near-ultraviolet to near-infrared wavelengths with errors in the photosyntheically available radiation (PAR) of no more than ten percent throughout the euphotic zone. It is thus possible to replace simple and often inaccurate analytical PAR or spectral irradiance models with more accurate radiative transfer calculations, with very little computational penalty. EcoLight-S is applicable to Case 2 and optically shallow waters for which no analytical light models exist. EcoLight-S also computes upwelling and downwelling plane irradiances, nadir and zenith radiances, and the remote-sensing reflectance. These quantities allow ecosystem predictions to be validated with optical measurements obtained from in-water instruments or remotely sensed imagery.