Tunnel Closure Experiment, 1997 Test Programme: Core Logging and Laboratory Tests on Diamond Drilled Holes at Jerntoppen

Abstract : The Tunnel Closure Experiment 1997 Test Programme included seven tunnel response tests and two tunnel portal tests. The tests were carried out in August 1997 (eight tests) and September 1997 (one test) in AS Sydvaranger's open pit mine at Bjoernevatn, Kirkenes, Norway. Rock cores were collected for each of the tunnel response tests previous to drilling of the large diameter boreholes for bomb emplacements. The rock cores have been analyzed with respect to rock type, Rock Quality Designation (RQD, apparent and true), joint frequency, Joint Alteration Factor (Ja), Joint Roughness Factor (Jr), joint filling, joint angle related to the core, crushed core and core loss. Laboratory tests on specimens from the rock cores have been carried out. The tests include pressure-wave velocity (Vp), shear-wave velocity (Vs), density, Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), Young's modulus (E-modulus) and Poisson's ratio. This report gives the results of the core logging and the results of the laboratory tests.