The architecture and implemented a software system parsing schemes of algebraic algebra and their interpretation. The software system allows to generate automated in such schemes create a program and debug the relevant schemes. A clear division of algebraic algebra into separate modules is defined, each of which will be characterized by its functional load. The methods of parsing for the development and presentation of grammar such schemes are used. Automatic transforming it in a list form is implemented. A machine system of algebraic algebra as an abstract interpretation of the mechanism of grammar parser is defined. The vocabulary V consists of finite not empty set of lexical units. The expression on V is a finite-length string of lexical units with V. An empty string does not contain lexical items and is denoted by Λ. The set of all lexical units over V is denoted as V ′. The language over V is a subset V ′. The language displayed through the set of all lexical units of language or through definition criteria, which should satisfy lexical items that belong to the language. Another is one important method to set the language through the use of generative grammar. The grammar consists of a lexical units set of various types and the rules or productions set of expression constructing. Grammar has a vocabulary V, which is the set of lexical units for language expressions building. Some of lexical units of vocabulary (terminal) can not be replaced by other lexical units. The text realizes structural submitted activities through provides subject, object, process, purpose, means and results that appear in content, structural, functional and communicative criteria and parameters. The units of internal organization of the text structure are alphabet, vocabulary (paradigmatics), grammar (syntagmatic) paradigm, paradigmatic relations, syntagmatic relation, identification rules, expressions, unity between phrasal, fragments and blocks. On the compositional level are isolated sentences, paragraphs, sections, chapters, under the chapter, page etc. that (except the sentence) indirectly related to the internal structure because are not considered. With the help of a database (database for terms/morphemes and structural parts of speech) and defined rules of text analysis searching terms. Parsers operate in two stages: lexemes content identifying and a parsing tree creates.