English as a Foreign Language and the Dyslexic College Student: Pilot Screening Test and Remedial Materials in the Language Laboratory.

ABSTRACT A study at Haifa University (Israel) investigated the feasibility of a diagnostic test for dyslexia at the college level, among students studying English as a Second Language (ESL). This process and the development of remedial ESL reading materials for this population, to be used in the language laboratory as a supplement to regular ESL courses, are described. First, dyslexia is defined and discussed and common reading 'errors are identified. Then the development and testing of a screening and diagnostic test for dyslexia is reported. The pilot test consisted of 96 English words for reading into a microphone, 12 Hebrew place names to be written in English, and four questions on student perceptions of their own reading problems and strategies. Students' taped and written responses were analyzed by multiple examiners. Results suggest the test is useful for screening students for further testing and diagnosis. Development of the language laboratory instructional materials and the resulting nine-lesson module are described briefly. It is noted that due to positive student response, materials development continues for other instructional levels. The screening test, a reading comprehension test and answer key, and an outline of the instructional materials are appended. Contains 15 references. (MSE)