Current LWIR HSI Remote Sensing Activities at Defence R&D Canada - Valcartier

Abstract : Recently, DRDC Valcartier has been investigating longwave hyperspectral imaging (HSI) remote sensing techniques using ground-based and airborne sensors. Specific projects to date involve the development of a new ground-based sensor called MoDDIFS (Multi-Option Differential Detection and Imaging Fourier Spectrometer), and the testing of a commercial-off-the-shelf airborne sensor, called Hyper-Cam-LW. The MODDIFS project involves the development of a leading edge infrared (IR) hyperspectral sensor optimized for the standoff detection of explosive vapours and precursors. The development of the MoDDIFS HSI sensor is based on the integration of two innovative and successful technologies: (1) the differential Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) radiometry technology found in the Compact Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (CATSI) sensor previously developed at DRDC Valcartier, and (2) the hyperspectral imaging technology developed by Telops Inc. The new MoDDIFS sensor will essentially offer the optical subtraction capability of the CATSI system but at high-spatial resolution using an MCT focal plane array of 84 e84 pixels. The new MoDDIFS sensor will also offer the potential of simultaneously measuring differential linear polarizations to further reduce the clutter in the measured radiance. The airborne Hyper-Cam initiative seeks to test the commercially available ground-based Hyper-Cam system, developed by Telops Inc, on a stabilized airborne platform with integrated image motion compensation capability. The Hyper-Cam is also based on the Fourier-transform technology yielding high spectral resolution and enabling high accuracy radiometric calibration. It provides passive signature measurements capability, with up to 320 e256 pixels at spectral resolutions of up to 0.25 cm-1.