Talking back! Empowerment and mobile phones in rural Bangladesh: a study of the village phone scheme of Grameen Bank

The study assesses the efficacy of the Village Phone (VP) scheme in ameliorating the ‘information poverty’ of the villages that have obtained access to mobile phones in Bangladesh. More specifically, the study has sought to describe the ways in which the VP is operated, how the service is utilised and by whom, and the impacts of the service in terms of economic and social empowerment of individuals (especially phone ladies) and communities. The study found that at the individual level, the VP has indeed contributed significantly to income generation. Socially, it has given a new status and image to those women who are getting Grameen Bank's support to start this venture both at the family and community levels. Moreover, at the community level, it has narrowed gaps between cities and villages by enhancing more communication between family members. Economically, it has increased business transactions and dissemination of information.