SUDI prevention: a review of Maori safe sleep innovations for infants.

Recent research and policy around sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) have emphasised the place of safe sleeping practices within SUDI prevention strategies. Maori SUDI prevention workers have focussed on innovations around the safe sleep environment for some time now, as they have grappled with difficult to change and disproportionately high Maori SUDI rates. The wahakura (a flax bassinet modelled on a traditional Maori infant sleeping item) was developed in 2006 aiming to mitigate some of the risks of bedsharing with vulnerable infants, in particular infants exposed to maternal smoking in pregnancy. Early wahakura projects in Gisborne and Hawke's Bay showed high acceptability, effectiveness as an infant health promotion vehicle but difficulty maintaining a low/no cost supply for vulnerable families. The Hawke's Bay project revealed two pathways forward: the need for robust research to ensure the safety of the wahakura and the exploration of financially viable and more readily available alternatives. Work on both pathways is currently in progress around the country, signalling New Zealand's ongoing contribution to SUDI prevention and its potential contribution to knowledge and practices applicable to indigenous and other marginalised communities worldwide.