Welcome from the new Editor(s)-in-Chief

As the new Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editors-in-Chief, it is our pleasure to welcome you to Biological Cybernetics. We come fromdifferent fields—theoretical physics (BL), applied mathematics (PJT), and artificial intelligence (JMF) but also have extensive experience with experimental collaborators in biology (PJT, BL) or do neurobiological experiments ourselves (JMF). Working within such distinct disciplines, we cover a large part of the biological ‘cyberspace’ that is the playground of the journal’s articles. For areas in which we do not have direct expertise, we are fortunate to rely on an editorial board of reputable international experts, a list that we were able to expand substantially in the last months. It is an exciting time to be working in the field of Biological Cybernetics, which continues to experience rapid growth. With the ever-increasing availability of computational power, more efficient sensors and actuators and a greater under-