Knowing, Learning, and Instruction

Contents. L.B. Resnick, Introduction. W. Kintsch, Learning from Text. I.L. Beck, M.G. McKeown, Expository Text for Young Readers: The Issue of Coherence. G. Leinhardt, Development of an Expert Explanation: An Analysis of a Sequence of Subtraction Lessons. R. Gelman, J.G. Greeno, On the Understanding of Competence: Principles for Understanding in a Domain. P. Nesher, Microworlds in Mathematical Education: A Pedagogical Realism. J.F. Voss, J. Blais, M.L. Means, T.R. Greene, E. Ahwesh, Informal Reasoning and Subject Matter Knowledge in the Solving of Economics Problems by Naive and Novice Individuals. M.T.H. Chi, M. Bassok, Learning from Examples Via Self- Explanations. J.H. Larkin, What Kind of Knowledge Transfers? C.A. Perfetti, There Are Generalized Abilities and One of Them Is Reading. A. Lesgold, J. Ivill-Friel, J. Bonar, Toward Intelligent Systems for Testing. C. Bereiter, M. Scardamalia, Intentional Learning as a Goal of Instruction. A.L. Brown, A.S. Palincsar, Guided, Cooperative, and Individual Knowledge Acquisition. A. Collins, J.S. Brown, S.E. Newman, Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the Crafts of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics.