Discovering facts with boolean tensor tucker decomposition

Open Information Extraction (Open IE) has gained increasing research interest in recent years. The first step in Open IE is to extract raw subject--predicate--object triples from the data. These raw triples are rarely usable per se, and need additional post-processing. To that end, we proposed the use of Boolean Tucker tensor decomposition to simultaneously find the entity and relation synonyms and the facts connecting them from the raw triples. Our method represents the synonym sets and facts using (sparse) binary matrices and tensor that can be efficiently stored and manipulated. We consider the presentation of the problem as a Boolean tensor decomposition as one of this paper's main contributions. To study the validity of this approach, we use a recent algorithm for scalable Boolean Tucker decomposition. We validate the results with empirical evaluation on a new semi-synthetic data set, generated to faithfully reproduce real-world data features, as well as with real-world data from existing Open IE extractor. We show that our method obtains high precision while the low recall can easily be remedied by considering the original data together with the decomposition.