Stream Straightening Effects on Flood-Runoff Characteristics

Article was submitted for publication on June 8, 1971; reviewed and approved for publication by the Soil and Water Division of ASAE on November 4, 1971. The authors are: KENNETH L. CAMPBELL, Associate in Agricultural Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames; SURENDERA KUMAR, Engineer, Institute for Environmental Quality, Champaign, 111.; and HOWARD P. JOHNSON, Professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept., Iowa State University, Ames. Journal Paper No. J-6938 of the Iowa Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station, Project Nos. 1805 and 1853. Financial support from the Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute was also received and appreciated. property by increasing the discharge, thus forcing the downstream owners to repair or improve their part of the channel. Litigation among drainage districts often results, with downstream districts claiming partial reimbursement of the construction and maintenance costs from the districts upstream. This litigation often lasts for long periods of time and does not necessarily arrive at an equitable solution to the problem.