Boosting Few-Shot Image Recognition Via Domain Alignment Prototypical Networks

Human has the ability of drawing inferences about other things from only one instance. Few-shot learning is aimed at imitating this generalized learning behavior of human beings, where the learning machine is expected to recognize novel categories not seen in the training set, given only a few training data for each novel category. In this paper, we enhance the Prototypical Network for few-shot learning tasks by introducing a domain alignment module, which takes into account the domain shifts existing between different categories. Compared to original Prototypical Network (PN), the most excellent model for few-shot learning at present, our proposed Domain Alignment Prototypical Network (DA-PN) is able to abate the distribution differences among the data of training and test classes, further optimizing the embedding space of prototype feature for each category and then boosting few-shot recognition. Comprehensive empirical evidence demonstrates that the proposed DA-PN can yield state-of-the-art few-shot recognition performance on the public benchmark dataset mini-ImageNet as well as a novel proposed few-shot dataset MNIST&CIFAR10.

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