Towards guidelines for SIGARCH sponsored conferences

After almost 20 years of having each program chair invent the policy for each offering of a conference, it seems time to coalesce that experience and set forth guidelines for conferences sponsored by SIGARCH. At the last business meeting it was proposed that SIGARCH adopt an official set of guidelines to aid program chairs on matters of policy at SIGARCH sponsored conferences (e.g., ISCA, ASPLOS, and so on). The attendees at the meeting voted for this proposal. A draft of the proposed guidelines was distributed at the meeting. It was decided that the proposed guidelines should appear in CAN for comments by the community. If you have comments, please send them to CAN. A final vote on the contents of the guidelines will occur at the next SIGARCH business meeting, to be held at the 19th ISCA on May 20, 1992 in Queensland, Australia.