Social media strategies

Five years ago, the issue of social media was barely on any organisation's radar. Most companies only started to take notice of the phenomenon around 2007–8, when they realised that a growing number of employees was spending a significant amount of time on a hitherto little-known site called Facebook. For some, it became such a problem in terms of eating up network bandwidth and employees' time (not to mention opening up the organisation to security risks) that the most sensible solution seemed to be a blanket organisational ban on the use of the site and similar services. Five years ago, the issue of social media was barely on any organisation's radar. Most companies only started to take notice of the phenomenon around 2007–8. Fast forward to today and social media has shot up the corporate agenda. According to a global study published in February 2011 by Burson-Marsteller, 84% of Fortune 100 firms are using at least one of the four most popular social media platforms. But social media can be a double-edged sword. How do you take advantage of the very real opportunities while minimising the risks? Having a clear vision of precisely what you're trying to achieve with social media is important, says Jim Mortleman.