Third generation of dynamic in-cockpit lighting system for driving simulators
The paper presents a systemic view of a structure of the system which allows illumination of the car simulator cockpit interior dynamically and describes recent features of its third generation. After a brief description of DYICOLIS's main idea and structure, a description of software and hardware implementation is presented. The core of the presented system is the generator of appropriate "shadow-light world", especially with use of car cockpit coulisse. Besides enhancements and refinements of already described functions, the paper depicts new features of the system. First, it is a unified approach for handling shadow-light world, joining together the previously separated static and dynamic interpretation. Such architecture allows us to bind 3D definition of projected virtual scenery with our shadow-light world generation, consequently with a possibility for automation of its creation process. Finally, the paper introduces incorporation of weather simulation into the shadow-light world, which indisputably affects the inner-car light conditions and also a look of patterns, which are projected onto the cockpit parts and the driver as well.