교통물류부문 온실가스 감축 정책 효과 분석 방법론 및 관리방안 연구

National Sustainable Transport Development Master Plan built by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (MLIT) in 2011 presents more than 70 GHG mitigation measures in the transport sector. Assuming a successful implementation of them, it also sets the GHG reduction target of the transport sector, 34.3% of the year 2020 BAU emission amount. Following the plan, the government has been checking the administration process of the individual measures, but a systematic evaluation or management process was lacking. An assessment of the measures needs an accurate estimation of the policy effect, i.e. the GHG emission reduction amount. With the context, this study tried to improve the existing methodologies to estimate the GHG reduction effect of the measures, and it was found that the improvement is available only when more serial activity data are collected in the future. Thus a surrogate index (not GHG reduction estimation) would be more practical for the assessment and the management. The index should be chosen by following principles: easiness to collect, correlation with GHG reduction amount, simplicity, conformity to key indices in government transport plans, and agreement from experts and government officials in charge of the management. This study presented candidate indices to expert groups in the transport sector and asked the best index for each mitigation measure. As a result, two indices were suggested for the assessment of each mitigation measure. The final best index should be selected by the office (i.e. control office) of MLIT in charge of the plan. The index target value should also be determined. The management of each measure comprises assessment index, collection of index, control office, evaluation (comparison of collected index value with target value), and feed back to the managing office of each measure. To facilitate this management feedback process, this study suggest amendment of the Sustainable Transport Development Act in definition of terms, index selection, contracting out data collection and assessment, and mandatory data submission to the control office.