The strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma, and the critical behaviour of QCD at imaginary chemical potential
We explore the highly non-perturbative hot region of the QCD phase diagram
close to Tc by use of an imaginary chemical potential mu which avoids the sign
problem. The number density and the quark number susceptibility are consistent
with a critical behaviour associated with the transition line in the negative
mu^2 half-plane. We compare the analytic continuation of these results with
various phenomenological models, none of which provides a satisfactory
description of data, a failure on which we make some comments. These results
complement and extend the information obtained via the analysis of the
susceptibilities evaluated at zero mu, yielding a simple description of the
candidate strongly interacting QGP phase. As a byproduct of our analysis we
investigate the Polyakov loop and its hermitian conjugate. Our data offer a
vivid evidence of the importance of the complex nature of the functional
integral measure, which results in L (mu) ne \bar L(mu) for a real chemical