The B cell transcriptional coactivator BOB1/OBF1 gene fuses to the LAZ3/BCL6 gene by t(3;11)(q27;q23.1) chromosomal translocation in a B cell leukemia line (Karpas 231).

The LAZ3/BCL6 gene on chromosone 3q27 is recurrently disrupted in B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas by translocations involving immunoglobulin genes or other chromosone regions. We have cloned the breakpoint region and chromosone derivatives of the t(3;11)(q27;q23.1) translocation, present in a B cell leukemia cell line (Karpas 231), which define a novel 11q23.1 breakpoint site. As a consequence of the translocation, LAZ3 regulatory regions upstream of non-coding exon 2 are replaced by those of BOB1/OBF1, a recently described B cell-specific coactivator of octamer-binding transcription factors. A detailed structural study of the BOB1/OBF1 genomic DNA and of a nearly full-length cDNA revealed particular features in the 3' untranslated region, such as an Alu motif and a polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite. Two mutations leading to two potential amino acid changes in the C-terminal region, were also detected in one allele of a lymphoma B cell line, Raji. Due to its cell-specific expression and role as a coactivating transcription factor, chromosomal translocation and/or point mutation of BOB1/OBF1 may contribute to B cell tumorigenesis.