The Multimedia Approach to Use of the Oceans for Waste Disposal

Multimedia analysis must be performed for each waste type and locale to enable adoption of the medium and manner of sewage sludge disposal that will present the least adverse impact to man and the environment. A protocol for multimedia analysis has been developed which requires the identification of all possible disposal options and initial rejection of methods deemed to human health or the environment, The remaining options then undergo a detailed comparative assessment in four basic areas: 1) human health risk, 2) environmental effects, 3) direct economic impacts, and 4) social perception. The options are compared within each of the basic areas to develop a relative ranking based upon the predicted effects. A matrix is produced of the relative rankings of the options within each basic area and is used to identify the options which, first, involve the smallest risk to the human population and the environment, and, second, are reasonable in terms of economics and social acceptability.