R134a 및 R1234yf 적용 냉동시스템의 비가역성 분석

In this study, the performance of mobile air conditioner(MAC) systems to which the refrigerants R134a and R1234yf were used was evaluated to compare the characteristic of automotive refrigeration cycles with refrigerant. The drop-in test on MAC were carried out under variable compressor speed from 800 to 2500 rpm. Performance test by using R1234yf and R134a in the same system revealed low the charge amount and mass flow rates for using R1234yf, that is, up to 10% and 17%, respectively. The irreversiblilty of evaporator in a R134a air conditioning system with compressor speed under idle condition was 36.8% which was maximum value, and that of compressor increased with compressor speed. The irreversibility of compressor and IHX in a R1234yf air conditioning system with IHX with compressor speed was 39.6%, 3.6% under idle condition, and those was 44.1%, 9.7% at the compressor speed of 2520 rpm.