R2R 인쇄전자 시스템에서 레지스터 에러의 감소를 위한 극점배치 기법을 이용한 장력제어에 대한 연구

In R2R process, to guarantee mobility of printed electronic material on flexible substrate, optimal drying or curing time is required. Therefore, operating speed is restricted to low level in R2R printed electronic system. The register error that affects the mobility of printed conductive pattern on flexible substrate can be increased, because tension transfer phenomenon depends on time constant that is evaluated from operating speed and a span length of R2R printed electronic system. In this paper the relationship between register error and settling time of tension disturbance is analyzed. To minimize the register error in R2R printed electronic system, the advanced controller was proposed. Through transfer functions of the second-order system with tension model of a span and with desired maximum overshoot and settling time, the advanced controller that can yield minimizing the register error was derived. Simulation results demonstrate the compensation of tension disturbance within the time constant and the effectiveness of the proposed advanced controller for minimizing the register error.