Best Of NIPS 2005: Highlights on the 'Inductive Transfer : 10 Years Later' Workshop

NIPS 1995 : two-day workshop on “Learning to Learn”,organised by Danny Silver and Rich Caruana, that focusedon the need for lifelong machine learning methods thatretain and reuse learned knowledgeNIPS 2005 : “Inductive Transfer : 10 Years Later”workshop, to examine the progress that has been made inten years, the questions and challenges that remain, andthe opportunities for new applications of inductive transfersystemsThe next day, a related workshop was held, called“Interclass Transfer : why learning to recognize manyobjects is easier than learning to recognize just one”

[1]  Rich Caruana,et al.  Multitask Learning , 1998, Encyclopedia of Machine Learning and Data Mining.

[2]  Tong Zhang,et al.  A Framework for Learning Predictive Structures from Multiple Tasks and Unlabeled Data , 2005, J. Mach. Learn. Res..